4 Important Things To Know About Wearing Contact Lenses

Prescription contact lenses can be used to correct a variety of vision issues, such as near-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

#1: Two Different Styles of Lenses

First, there are two different styles of lenses that you can wear.

You can wear soft contact lenses, which can be worn for different amounts of time. There are some you can wear for just a day and others that you can wear for up to thirty days a time without removing them.

You can wear hard contact lenses as well. They are made to last for a year or more and are specially fitted to your eyes. They are designed to be taken out when you sleep.

#2: Keep Things Clean

Second, you are going to want to keep things clean. Your contact lenses sit directly on your eyes, which means that you need them to be as clean as possible.

You should wash your hands before putting in, taking out, or adjusting your lenses. You need to clean the lenses with a saline solution; don't use tap water; it is not sterile enough for this process, as most tap water contains trace minerals, which are not a big deal in everyday usage but are when it comes to cleaning your lenses.

It is important to clean not just your lenses but also your contact case as well. Also, be sure that your saline solution tip doesn't come into contact with anything, including your fingers, to keep it sterile.

#3: Give Your Eyes a Break

You should always give your eyes a break from wearing your contact lenses. You should take them out when you sleep. You may want to give your eyes a break as well when you are at home, either in the morning or the evening. That is why it is a good idea to have a pair of eyeglasses that you can wear as well when your contacts are out so that you can give your eyes a break.

#4: Be Careful with Eye Drops

It is not uncommon for your eyes to get dry when wearing contacts. If your eyes feel dry, you are going to want to use eye drops. With contact lenses, you will not want to use any eye drops; you will want to talk to your ophthalmologist about what eyedrops work best with your lenses and how often you should use them.

This is another reason why you should have a backup pair of glasses. If your eyes are feeling too dry, you can always switch to glasses for a little while.

Wearing contacts is a great way to correct vision issues and allow you to move around without wearing glasses all day. With contacts, be sure to talk to your eye doctor about the style and type of contacts you are being given and how long you can wear them for. Be sure to give your eyes a break, use the right eyedrops, and always keep things clean.

About Me

Visiting Your Eye Doctor

When I started feeling a lot of eye dryness, I knew that I needed to contact my optometrist right away. I have never been great at reaching out to medical professionals, but the problem was getting bad enough that I felt like I was using eyedrops all day long. I made an appointment with a professional in my area, and he was a lot of help. He discovered that I had a few clogged tear ducts, which were making my eye so uncomfortable. This blog is all about the importance of visiting your eye doctor and recovering from common eye issues.

